Court rules lesbians are not just from Lesbos
July 22, 2008
"ATHENS (Reuters) - A Greek court has dismissed a request by residents of the Aegean island of Lesbos to ban the use of the word lesbian to describe gay women, according to a court ruling made public on Tuesday. Three residents of Lesbos, the birthplace of the ancient Greek poetess Sappho whose love poems inspired the term lesbian, brought a case last month arguing the use of the term in reference to gay women insulted their identity..."
Christie Anna says: I couldn't help but laugh at this one. I mean, I can understand where they're coming from, but at this point the term 'lesbian' is used on such a wide basis that I'm pretty sure even a court order would do nothing but piss people off. Why bother even trying? It's just going to lose you money (230 euros, to be exact) and get people mad at you. And if it's boosting tourism, then why not let it continue? I may hate tourists, but they are good for the economy. (If they weren't, I'm pretty sure there would be a few more "accidental" bus crashes here in New England every autumn....) So while yes, I can wholeheartedly understand why, on a generic level, one group of people wouldn't want their home tied in so thoroughly to a different group of people - come on, you'd get sick of the jokes pretty quickly, too; I know there is little I hate more than stereotyping - after a while, it's just crazy to try to change it. And, on a more specific level, are people really that homophobic? That they'll go to court over terminology? You know, considering the grand tradition of homosexuality throughout Greek history (Sparta, for example, was, at the height of its power, based on a system that involved older men taking boy lovers), the people of the Aegean are really testy about the subject. I think the people of Lesbos should just sit back and let it roll off their shoulders. That's really how they're going to prove that they're bigger than all of this.