Fighting Cow Methane at the Source: Their Food
July 8th, 2008- Discover Magazine
"While many cattle are stuffed full of grain, grass-fed cattle have been heralded as a greener way to get beef because it diminishes the need to feed the animals antibiotics and has a smaller carbon footprint, not to mention that it yields beef with less saturated fat. Those of us lucky (or wealthy) enough to feast on grass-fed beef can rest easy knowing we have taken a step toward protecting planet Earth—or so we thought. It turns out there’s a hitch: Cow burps, which send methane into the atmosphere, may increase global warming..."
Amber says: Okay, so Im all about being green and saving the world and making a better earth for future generations and all of that... but... Come on. Seriously?? Genetically modifying GRASS to cut down on COW BURPS?? Are you kidding me? First of all, its a burp. A stinkin' burp. Cows, Cats, Horses, People... we ALL burp. Ever heard of that book "Everybody Poops"? I think that the people running these studies should read it, if they havent already. And if they have, I think they need to study it a little more. If you are going to join the fight against the massive carbon foot print, at least do it in a way that is going to do some good.
Secondly, Id think that spending time and money on genetically modifying grass to feed these already too expensive grass-fed cows is going to push the cost of food (and everything else!) up even higher. Put the money into a contraption that works like an air purifier, and purify the air- that would get rid of the cow methane and all of the other bad stuff that is floating around.
Third, didnt they do some study in California a while ago to test and see if cows actually put enough methane into the atmosphere to matter? And didnt they figure out that it didnt really make a difference?
Okay, I think Im done ranting.
This does go to show just how crazy the world can get. The grass fed beef provides many more advantages that grain fed. But then we would be confusing the issue with facts. And it really isn't that much more expensive than industrial beef.
So take a moment to look through your local paper to find farmers markets and such to help the rural community survive, get excellant food at low cost, and offset those cow burps by using less fuel to transport the beef.
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