Green funerals make for eco-exits
April 20, 2008
" (AP) -- It's no longer enough to live a greener life - now people are being encouraged to be environmentally friendly when they leave the Earth too.
Cardboard coffins, clothes sewn from natural fibers, a burial plot in a natural setting. Green funerals attempt to be eco-friendly at every stage..."
Amber says: I completely agree with "green funerals". Not only for the "save the world" factor- but for the "getting back to the Earth" factor as well. It's like The Lion King says- "We become the grass, then the antelope eat the grass. It's all a part of the 'circle of life'." I couldn't think of a better way to become part of the Earth than to be buried in a slower- covered straw basket. Im not even kidding.
Actually, when I was little, I used to pretend to be Ophelia (Check this picture out to see what I mean) Kind of like in Anne of Green Gables, she would pretend to float down the river in a boat, to her grave. Bury me like that. Set me off in a canoe, floating down the river to my final resting place. I am sure people would frown upon that, especially when they found a bloated dead body in their back yard (Okay, a little... Ummm... Off topic... I suppose...)
But, my point is- Green Funerals make so much sense, why preserve your dead body with chemicals and whatnot when you are supposed to become the soil? Give back to the Earth that you misused in your lifetime. :-) Such a peaceful way to finish off the amazing life you will have lived!!
Labels: environment, funeral, green
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